Pain Hyperacusis Hurts The Ear and Brain

Why Do Sharp Sounds Cause Shocking Ear Pain and Intense Migraines? Until recently, doctors and patients have been puzzled by cases of sudden, shocking ear pain accompanied by instantaneous migraine headaches due to loud sound exposure. Read Dr. Colucci’s article on Nociception in Pain Hyperacusis to find out more. This condition can be in one ear or both, although there is typically a difference in causation. Unlike other cases of “hyperacusis,” those with pain and instant migraine-type headaches from certain sounds are substantially different than other types. When ear pain and migraine occur, it is not unusual for the symptoms to last for hours. All loud sounds are uncomfortable in loudness hyperacusis, but they do not necessarily convert into a migraine, dizziness, or ear pain in only one ear. In fact, those with pain hyperacusis can find themselves avoiding all sounds in fear of an episode because of the severity of the response. Once the pain is exacerbated, steps need to take place. Most physicians can be helpful, but here are some tips to prevent the exacerbations and to help them resolve as soon as possible after they begin.

For immediate pain and headache, place ice on the forehead and the back of the neck. A gel pack or a cooling skull cap work great to cover the areas most affected. To avoid sound exacerbations at home, read Dr. Colucci’s article on the Effective Management of Pain Hyperacusis. If one or both ears are affected, use Minuendo whenever in noisy areas or near those nasty exacerbating sounds like dishes clanging. Using earplugs or muffs all the time is not helpful, but when necessary, they can reduce sound shock and pain.
